With all the talk these days on social media about luxury living and "black girl luxury" vs "regular black girl" I decided to give my take on what it means to live a life of luxury and also give you some tips on how to incorporate luxury into your life no matter where you are financially.
First let me say that luxury does not mean you have to indulge in name brand items, go to spas and eat at expensive restaurants, basically spend all your money to feel good. If that is what luxury means to you, that is totally okay! I love to do those things as well and it does make me feel good, but for me, living a luxe lifestyle simply means doing things that make you feel good both physically and mentally. And yes, sometimes that can mean doing a little shopping, but this idea that luxury is only connected to designer things is something I want us all to let go of.
Here are some simple ways you can live a luxe lifestyle that I do often:
1. Buy yourself flowers and if you're not a flowers girl buy a small indoor plant. Trader Joe's has all types of flowers that range from $4 - $10. And both Home Depot and Lowes have plants for under $10. There's something about decorating my living space with flowers and plants that make me feel luxurious. Is it just me?!
2. Get on Pinterest and look up your favorite meal that you would normally order at your favorite restaurant and attempt to make it yourself at home. Get some wine, invite some friends over and make it a thing. Eating good is definitely a luxury. And even if it doesn't come out exactly how you planned, its about the experience!
3. If you have the time, take a day off of work and plan to do absolutely nothing. Sleep in late, catch up on that show or read that book you've been putting off because you haven't had the time. Start on that home improvement DIY project. I think a lot of the time we underestimate how it good it feels to just not do anything or have anything planned.
5. Pack a lunch and a good book and take it to a park that you have always wanted to visit. If the weather doesn't permit then take your book to an aesthetically pleasing cafe. Buy just one item and you can sit there for as long as your hearts content. I love doing this when I have something to work on and just want to change up my scenery for a few hours.
6. Before you go to bed in the evening, give yourself a spa treatment. Take a long bath, take your time exfoliating and moisturizing your body. Spray on your favorite fragrance when you're done and put on some sexy lingerie or cute pajamas. It doesn't matter if it's just you at home alone, get cute for yourself. I promise you will have a good nights rest and wake up like "Damn I smell and feel goodt!" Lol. It's a vibe, trust me and a sure way to make your life feel all the more luxurious.
These are just a few things that I do on a weekly basis to bring a little luxury into my life and that doesn't involve spending a whole lot of money. We all deserve to live in luxury, whatever that means to you!
XO, Asia.